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Friday, January 21, 2011

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Gorgeous Bridal Makeup ..

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Angelina's 13 Pics , First Look . . .

Angelina's 13 Pics , You Hve Never Seen Before ...

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Wednesday, January 5, 2011

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When Bravery And Stupidity Meet

Can you balance at the edge of the cliffs?
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Dual Screen Touch Laptop

Howdy all !
Life has taken the fast lane. things, specifically technology is reaching new horizons at tremendously fast pace. Touch phones are now well accompanied by Touch pads, touch Tablets and now laptops even.

here we show you "Libretto", a "Dual screen laptop" by Toshiba with its amazing features and looks.

I personally like this even more than tablets. Its a full Windows 7 experience to be enjoyed across two touch screens. Essentially a single handheld multi talented device, light in weight with a "horse power" like Pentium Processor, it Allows you to move the world as you want.

You can type through a virtual keyboard and, Read news paper like a news paper, Vertical ! ;). with a long battery back up, its a fun thing to move along.

Have a look

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Miss World beauties Of this Decade ;)

Beauty is a relative term. Some thing beautiful for some one may not be beautiful to others, but the Contest for finding out Global Beauties every year; Miss World Pageant is celebrated every year for finding out the most beautiful Lady in the world. This Contest not only consider the Physical Beauty of the participants but also there mental ability, there character, and there communication skills.

The winner spends a year travelling to represent the Miss World Organization and its various causes. Traditionally, Miss World lives in London during her reign. The current Miss World is Alexandria Mills of United States.

We present you the beauties of this decades ( From year 2000 to 2010) with there countries. Have a look, cheer and enjoy the World Beauties.

Priyanka Chopra- Miss World 2000- India

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Solar Eclipse 4th Jan 2011 in India

Surya Grahan means solar eclipse and it is given spiritual importance by devout Hindus. The first Surya Grahan in 2011 is on January 4 – this is a partial solar eclipse and is visible in northwestern parts of India.
Surya Grahan on January 4, 2011 is only partially visible in Northwestern parts of India – parts of Gujarat, Rajasthan, Delhi, Haryana, Punjab, Himachal Pradesh and Jammu and Kashmir. Time in India is from – 15:11:49 hrs to 15:52:02 hrs.
Solar Eclipse will not be visible in USA and Canada.

Partial Solar Eclipse 2011 will be visible in the following countries:

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Sunday, January 2, 2011

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Russian Underground Submarine Base

Russian Underground Submarine Base and Dock 1
It was a big underground submarine base and docks once in USSR. After the Soviet Union collapsed and Russian army left Ukraine it was partly abandoned and some of its parts was converted into a museum later.
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Cheapest Places to Live in America

If you’re one of those who want to relocate and find the cheapest places to live in America or if you’re merely curious as to which places in the United States only require a minimal amount in order for you and your family to survive, then look no further. Who knows, you may want to move soon or you know someone who wants to rent a cheap place. We’re also going to cite some places where there’s cheap beer! Read on!
For cheaper places to rent, there’s Wichita, Kansas; Oklahoma City; Tulsa, Oklahoma; Dayton, Ohio and Knoxville, Tennessee. In Wichita, for instance, you can get a 600-square foot one-bedroom with a huge kitchen and full-size washer and dryer for only $470. How’s that for a steal? Plus get this: golf and country club fees are included. Now that’s a great package for sports aficionados. In Oklahoma City, on the other hand, you can easily get a 900 square foot home with a gym! How’s that for another steal? Now for people who are thinking of moving to Dayton, Ohio soon, keep your eyes peeled as you may have the chance to get a 500 square foot one-bedroom by the lake and with your own parking space, no less! All that for only $570 a month.
Now in terms of beer (which is hardly a basic consumption, by the way), here’s what I was able to unearth:
Allentown, Pa $1.25 USD
Antigo, Wi $1.25 USD
Athens, OH $1.85 USD
Elmira , NY $1.75 USD
Fort, Tx $1.99 USD
Islip $1 USD
Lock Haven Pa. $1.75 USD
Mt. Vernon, IL. $1.5 USD
Pontiac,MI $1 USD
Shanghai $1.57 USD
Sunnyvale $1.52 USD
Tamaqua $1.75 USD
Texarkana,Ar $1.5 USD
Waterford, MI $1.55 USD
Wenona, IL $1 USD
Wheeling, WV $1.25 USD
What do you think? Do these types of figures help you figure out if you may want to move soon or not?
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Storms in Southern California


Storms in Southern California
Creepy showers and storms in Southern California to cause serious damage.

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Benefits of Raw Honey


Honey in its natural raw state contains 2 predominant natural sugars (Fructose and Glucose) 11 enzymes, 14 minerals, 21 amino acids, all the vitamins that nutritionists consider necessary for health A,D,K, Rutin, Nicotinic acid, B vitamins, Thiamine, Riboflavin, Niacin, Pantothenic acid, Pyridoxine and Biotin as well as Ascorbid Acid (Vit. C.).
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Saturday, January 1, 2011

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The Transforming 7-Way Dress!

7-way dress

One of the most interesting takes on this summer’s day-to-night dress is a Transformers-inspired number that can be tied, wrapped, twisted, haltered, strapped over one or both shoulders, or just plain dropped to the waist and worn as a skirt.
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GMMXLE Google Doodle, MMX,

This is the time of year when we all party and say good bye to existing year and welcome new year.
Google has placed a special doodle on its website named “GMMXLE New year’s Eve 2010 Doodle”
What does GMMXLE means? Its showing as Google Logo Today.
Roman numerals stem from the numeral system of ancient Rome. They are based on certain letters of thealphabet which are combined to signify the sum (or, in some cases, the difference) of their values. The first tenRoman numerals are:
I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII, IX, and X.
I : 1
V : 5
X : 10
L : 50
C : 100
D : 500
M : 1,000
MMXI mean 2011 in Roman numerals in this logo : Google said welcom to 2011 new year.
its roman letters, mmxi means 2011 , so GMMXIE prolly means good 2011 eve or something
Lets say Good Bye 2010 and Welcome 2011 …
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